Maggie Storti

Maggie Storti

Major and research focus:

Storti majors in Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolism with minors in the following: Sports Medicine, Chemistry and Physics.  Storti’s research focus is on the implementation of different classes of nanoparticles in both cancerous and noncancerous cell lines to measure cytotoxicity and cell viability.  The goal is to potentially look at new phototherapy and minimally invasive techniques for cancer treatments.

Research mentors and funding source:

Dr. Giuseppe Strangi, Professor of Physics and Ohio Research Scholar in Surfaces and Advanced Materials, Endowed Chair; Dr. Andrei Maiseyeu, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering

Storti was funded by the SOURCE STEM program.

Biggest learning moment while doing research:

About her biggest learning moment, Storti says, “Building a team might be the most important thing I have learned, and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.”

Service and Leadership at CWRU:

Storti has held various service and leadership roles at Case Western Reserve University, including:

  • Vice President of the CWRU Athletic Student Association
  • CWRU Class Officer Collective (Class President)
  • Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity Social Media Chair
  • Outreach Director for CWRU SpartanTHON
  • Women’s Varsity Soccer Player On the Soccer Team (Goalie)

Aspirations for the future:

Storti plans to attend medical school and is interested in being a surgeon but remains open to advancing her research interests as well.