Research Abroad

Every year, students find research or creative endeavor opportunities overseas. These can be structured (i.e. through an established program) or unstructured (i.e. independent research or faculty research). The Undergraduate Research Office and CWRU’s Office of Education Abroad can help you explore, apply for and/or coordinate these experiences. 

Structured Research Abroad programs

  1. U.S. Department of State USA Study Abroad
  2. EURO Scholars
  3. Arcadia University’s STEM Summer Research Programs
  4. DAAD- RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering)
  5. National Science Foundation’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF-REU)
  6. ThinkSwiss Summer Research Scholarship

Also, more programs can be found on the curated research abroad opportunities list on the Office of Education Abroad website!

Unstructured Research Abroad Opportunities

Research has become global and many of our professors have international research partners.  The Undergraduate Research Office recommends that students speak with faculty about international research opportunities.  While this is a more self-driven process than with structured programs, the Undergraduate Research Office (in conjunction with CWRU’s Office of Education Abroad) can help formalize this process by directing students to financial resources and providing emergency and medical insurance, and managing the risks.