Find Programs and Funding

With the assistance of many across the university, the Undergraduate Research Office strives to provide information to students about all on-campus funded research programs as well as listings about programs around the country and internationally. The Undergraduate Research Office encourages students looking for summer research to begin the process in November, when many of the national labs' opportunities open, and especially to use the winter break to conduct a thorough web search. Most deadlines for summer research are in January and February.  The Undergraduate Research Office is here to help you with questions regarding finding and applying to summer programs.  

Summer research can be a significant learning experience as it allows students to delve deep into projects. Students in the arts and humanities have time to travel to museums and archives while STEM students get a much better feel for what it means to work in a lab and be part of a team. While some students may work more than one summer in a lab, many students find that the summer prior to their senior capstone can be an ideal time for research and getting their capstone project well underway before the academic year. Students who invest considerable time in a project often can present about their work at conferences around the country and even co-author publications. 

Use the resources listed on our website to find programs and funding opportunities: