The Chinese Wall

You can read biography of Frisch, a synopsis, an interpretation and a character analysis of Frisch's play, The Chinese Wall

Scene 19

Mee Lan is very dissapointed that the Contemporary did not stop the torture of the mute boy. The Contemporary tells her desinedly that he is the man who is not capable of changing the world. Two contemporary characters, leaders of the business world, know as Cutway and Tail Coat, enter. The masker Brutus compares the contemporary world with his world and warns them against tyranny in democratic disguise.
The Contemporary defends himself once more in front of Mee Lan. Then he tells Mee Lan what he could have done: offering himself as a sacrifice.

Other Scenes

[Prologue] [Scene 1][Scene 2][Scene 3][Scene 4][Scene 5][Scene 6][Scene 7][Scene 8][Scene 9][Scene 10][Scene 11][Scene 12][Scene 13][Scene 14][Scene 15][Scene 16][Scene 17][Scene 18][Scene 19][Scene 20][Scene 21][Scene 22][Scene 23][Scene 24]

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