Finding an Existing Program's PAF

  1. Go to
  2. Login using Single Sign-On (SSO)
  3. Find the program you want to edit by using one of the following:
    • Search Box - Type in a keyword or program name to bring up the relevant PAFs available in the dashboard. Use an asterisk (*) in the search box as a wild card (e.g., MATH* will find everything that starts with “MATH”; *MATH* will find everything that contains “MATH” anywhere in the field)
      • Program Names follow the naming convention of:
        1. [Major] [Degree Abbreviation] such as “Accounting BS” or “Civil Engineering MS”
        2. [Degree Name] such as “Master of Science in Anesthesia” or “Master of Finance”
      • Tip: Using just “ ** ” will reset the dashboard to show all programs
    • Program Dashboard - Scroll through all programs on the dashboard to find the program you are looking for.
      Screenshot of Program Action Form dashboard with a red arrow pointing at the header "Program Code" and another red arrow pointing at the header "Program Name".
      • Tip: Clicking on the Program Code or Program Name headers will sort the list accordingly (A-Z)
        1. Clicking the header again will sort in reverse (Z-A)
  4. Click on the program’s entry on the dashboard to view the existing Program Action Form on file